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Will you make a New Year's resolution for 2023?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (12%, 57 votes)
  • Qualified yes (11%, 51 votes)
  • Qualified no (22%, 102 votes)
  • Strong no (53%, 240 votes)
450 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I will not.
Why? Cause all my previous ones failed by a milešŸ˜‚
Unless you count wearing a amsk always when outside counts as one; but that im doing for already 3 Years.
Long ago I resolved to make no more resolutions. Best decision I've ever made.

New year resolutions for me are like "Revision timetable". I only did it when I was a child because teachers / parents romanticised it and made it a thing. After just a few attempts I knew it was BS.
I don't believe in setting arbitrary dates for self-improvement, as I think self-improvement should come as a devoted commitment to changing habits rather than something you ca-

Fine, I'm too lazy, leave me alone!
not exactly but there are a lot of life changes that naturally get pushed to 01/01 because the last three months of the year are packed with various obligations

On some years when we go to Burning Man I canā€™t seem to make any change after June or earlier. Thereā€™s just this backlog of self-care that seems to pile up
I'm going to cry and hope next year is "better"
I personally think if you see something you want to fix you do it then instead of holding of till new years because then you are not doing it because you want to. Your doing to because everyone else is
"I will no longer make resolutions at the beginning of the year!"


Qualified yes

I will state that I am making a resolution, but in all likelihood I will forget about it before accomplishing it.
I've decided to call them goals instead of resolutions to (hopefully) put less pressure on myself! Theyā€™re habits I would like to begin to incorporate into my life ā˜ŗļø
TLDR: I voted qualified yes!
"Strong yes" to will I make a resolution. "Strong no" in the future poll asking if I followed through with it.
every year at work, I set measurable, attainable goals to make sure I stay focused on the things that will keep me moving along the career path I have in mind.

Why would I not do the same thing at home?
Iā€™m a ā€œQualified Undecidedā€. I never like calling them ā€œresolutionsā€. That said, the end of the year is a good time to take stock and think about the things Iā€™d like to do differently and what I might want to accomplish in the coming year. Sometimes that results in something very much like my idea of what a resolution is supposed to be (to do or not do something specific). Other times itā€™s just setting goals or making reminders of things to try to be more conscious of.
Where's the choice for "Yes, but I'll have forgotten it by January 15th."
Qualified yes, but I'm settings goals instead. Yes I have habits I want to incorporate too but those also come with little goals. They weren't kidding when they said SMART goals do the trick
Interesting results! I am a strong yes. I do it every year. It's a great chance at self-reinvention. I'm going to try to learn how to fish this year. I used to do it with my grandfather as a kid, and I'd like to pick it back up.
mine is always to not set a resolution so I'm lazy but with intention and productivity heh