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Two years ago, for #APconf, I gave a talk about the #ActivityPub ecosystem that was really a talk about the kind of social software infrastructure I think we we need.

In particular, I talk about software infrastructure under our control that optimizes for rich and fulfilling lives.

It's a real broad vision, but I think it might be interesting for people on the network today to watch.
There's a related Q&A video
Thanks a lot for sharing your talk Evan, it was great hearing more in depth about your perspective. Really inspiring!
glad that your recording worked and that I watched this
great talk! I hope we can move towards creating tech for the benefit of humanity instead of the exploitation of humanity.
If people are also interested in the other #fediverse videos, there is a wonderful page ;)
(see "Talks" and "Live")

or @apconf /

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I think we should focus more on the backend, simplifying packages needed and prefer those from stable operating system distributions' repositories instead of third-party, repositories, per-language package managers, virtual images or containers. These four might not trusted because of security and software freedom policies, can make it hard to install due to different policies of the distros, and can also be seen as disrespect towards the work of the distro maintainers.
At the same time, in parallel, make a frontend that doesn't push any client-side auto executed code to the end user (like those from #JavaScript ) as they consume too much resources, are a security risk to the end user and generally foster that infinite scrolling.