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How long has it been since you've seen the ocean?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • A week or less (25%, 164 votes)
  • About a month (15%, 100 votes)
  • About a quarter (23%, 157 votes)
  • A year or more (35%, 235 votes)
656 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

Way too long and I miss it terribly.
Specifically missing this....even under an overcast sky. This is a shot of McIver's Ladies Baths in Sydney, one of my favorite ocean pools.
Ocean rock pool at the Ladies' Baths in Sydney Australia under an overcast sky. The rock pool is in  the foreground and the water looks greenish, a lone swimmer is in the pool, the beach is in the distance and the waves are breaking around the rock pool.
It's a totally stunning pool (women only, however, which is a historical exception for Sydney). You have to walk down some very steep stairs to get to it. There are quite a lot of pools like this in Sydney (often at the end of a beach, it's the best way to swim if you want to do laps and it's filled by the tide going in and out (every once in a while shark needs to be removed from one). It can get pretty wild when the seas is choppy and the waves are breaking over the edges into the pool.
I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. I can see the ocean from in front of my house...โ˜บ๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜€
does the bay count, or like the ocean proper
@lindsey good question. What did you decide?
i said no - because there's something special about sands and shores that the bay doesn't quite have
would be far less if it wasn't for my wife. She likes to go once a month at least. We live about 15km away so not that much of a trip.

Otherwise I've no idea what my answer would be. An incidental amount of unintentional visits per year.
@basil sounds like you made a good pick
Twenty years or so.
Blessed to live beside it.
just yesterday I got some Pacific ocean in the back pockets of my jeans after an impromptu kayak trip got a little tippy.
daily. I live on the coast and itโ€™s part of why I hate the idea of moving. I got really lucky shopping for a home in the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis
Devastating that the answer isn't within the past few days, tbh. I hate living in a landlocked state ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Well, Lake Erie definitely doesnโ€™t count even though I live on its southern shoresโ€ฆ
@smkellat Yeah, there are a lot of questions about what qualifies as "the ocean". I think it takes a very open mind to include freshwater lakes.
Every single day out my kitchen window.
I live in the SF Bay Area, but the last time I saw the ocean (and not just the bay) was in LA. Kitne door, kitne paas.
It was 2016, unless you count Long Island Sound as part of the Atlantic. In that case it was about ten months ago. (Voted "a year or more". Either way that's the closest answer.)
looks out of window - yup itโ€™s still thereโ€ฆ
Sunset over Lanai from Maui. Two shaggy palm trees on the left.
I have, however, frequently been at the Mediterranean Sea, which, to the naked eye, is indistinguishable from an ocean. Would that count?
I can see it from my window. Only a tiny bit. And only in winter, when the trees have no leaves. Even better: sometimes there are helicopters landing and starting!
Living in a seaside city makes it easy to see it almost every week.
Ocean specifically? Doesn't the sea count?
Sun rising over the North Sea off Berwick-upon-Tweed, 5th Jan
Well. If you lived by the ocean in North America a long way from any seas I might think that you used the words interchangeably, and meant that one big connected body of salty that converts two thirds of this planet. If you were a European fisherman with a reputation for pedantry and terminological exactitude I would expect that when you said ocean you meant ocean, because that is the more specific word:
I can see the East River from my apartment in NYC, and that's technically the ocean. But I am in LA now for a bit and can see the ocean from the apartment here too!
Never seen the ocean, but I live at the Aegean Sea.
I have been to the sea, at sea even in the past year... the ocean though, that's been a good while.
I have never seen the ocean. I doubt it even exists.
does the baltic count?
@benni good question! What do you think?
i think is not an ocean. there are not really waves most of the time.
Everyone should live near a large water body. It is incredibly calming.
@adnan if we did that, the crows and deer would eat all our inland corn
almost a year, at Point Reyes, CA.

But to me there is a very specific yearly ocean trip, to Ocracoke NC, camping in the dunes for a week, that is the essence of the ocean. It's been a year and a half now, with a 2 year covid gap before that. So I am feeling deprived of the ocean.
@joeyh Point Reyes is pretty great, though
it is, but when you really want to go swimming at a beach and it's March...
My maternal grandmother didnโ€™t see the ocean until she was an adult. She also didnโ€™t see rain for the first five years of her life.
does the North Sea count?
@otfrom good question. What do you think?
according to Wikipedia, no
We regularly go for drives no matter time of year, thank goodness we're not far, only about 15-20 min.
I wake up and open my curtains to the ocean ๐Ÿ˜€
This was really interesting!

About 2.4 billion people -- 30% of humans -- live within 100km of the ocean.

I think, for the rest of us, it's important to get to the coasts even if it's not convenient.

For me, my answer is about a month; I was on the shore in Carlsbad CA about 3 weeks ago. I probably won't see the ocean for another 3-6 months, though!
The sun setting over the ocean, with a sandy shore in the foreground. Rays of light spread out on the lens.
Evan Prodromou, in a black cap, knockoff Raybans, a big gray handlebar moustache, a brown plaid shirt and a black jeans jacket, faces into the golden light of the sunset. Behind, palm trees and sand, with cypress in the far distance.
Also, a lot of questions about whether bays, seas, sounds and so on count as the ocean.

For me, if it's a body of salt water connected to other oceans, it's a part of the ocean. That includes the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the San Francisco Bay.

But there were a lot of people who disagreed, and ultimately this is a subjective question.
I realized recently that my preferred habitat was โ€˜small and deeply irritating cities surrounded by the oceanโ€™
@skinnylatte like Pismo Beach? Point Arena? Bolinas?
Two minutes from my house. It was hard when I moved away to Montrรฉal and am glad to be back herein NZ and have my children grow up near the sea.
at this rate it is probably going to be a few years before I see an ocean again. I live next to a very large body of water though, so I'll just pretend it is salty in the mean time.
I love spending time near the ocean, because the beat of the tide is like the breath of life, and my soul is likewise revived in the mountains.
I very much agree. As someone who was born within and never lived outside of that 30% statistic I find this poll result a bit sad. Perhaps the 70% feel differently, but to me the ocean is calm and quiet, it is pondering and it is coming to oneself. The ocean is life.
I fail to see what's special about the ocean. I miss the mountains, instead.