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How often do you eat food that was hunted, fished, or gathered in the wild?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Weekly or more (11%, 33 votes)
  • About monthly (12%, 36 votes)
  • About quarterly (12%, 37 votes)
  • Annually or less (63%, 187 votes)
293 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

I'd like to add a weekly serving of wild billionaire...but....ewww
@brion dammit! You found the Gödel number of this poll.
Must it be food *I* hunted, fished, or gathered?
@eb I don't usually do that kind of clarification for people on my polls, because it drives me crazy.

That said, the question does not say that it is food *you* hunted. It doesn't seem implied. So, I think you're safe assuming no.
My apologies, I will keep that in mind. Thanks for entertaining the question this time!
@eb No apologies necessary! I should probably apologize for being vague. I just find when I try to get more specific, it gets really complicated, so it works better if I just keep it very simple.
@eb Also, I often use very subjective terms, so when people say, define "the wild", I find myself giving my own opinion instead of letting them enjoy their own mental exploration.
Alternatively, I suppose the ambiguity leaves room for people to interpret the question in interesting ways, which is always beautiful.
If not for fish and shellfish, my answer would "annually or less" ...assuming of course that my under-weeded backyard garden does not count as "the wild"
Monthly but pretty much exclusively mushrooms. Occasionally shrimp.
Given almost all fish is fished from the sea, rather than a controlled farmed environment, I think anyone that eats fist should be in the first 2 categories
I grow/raise a significant portion of my own food...but that's hardly "in the wild", so...about monthly?
@OkieSpaceQueen That was my intention. I would be surprised if there's a distinction between those two terms!
I think most people are answering this incorrectly. Most fish are ‘in the wild’. I doubt the majority of people have fish only annually.
i would love to get to cook game meat more often, but I guess that I don’t get to makes it special when I do
my annual or less is strictly due to lack of access.
This is interesting. I'm about quarterly; we have some wild foods around our house in the country, and I make teas and jams with them.

I'm very interested in picking up fishing this year, though.
what do you forage?
@lambic berries, wild plums, bergamot
Montreal is a great spot for fishing
I don't forage myself but there are local fishers and game dealers. Not quite sure how wild the pheasants etc really are, I think the sheep roam more widely.
not much wild forage in the city alas