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How long has it been since you ate popcorn?

#EvanPoll #Poll

  • A week or less (29%, 150 votes)
  • About a month (22%, 114 votes)
  • About three months (18%, 95 votes)
  • About a year or more (30%, 155 votes)
514 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

Now that I think on it... more than a year :blobSleepless:
We are moving and the popcorn is at the other place rn
Awaiting the first "DEFINE 'POPCORN'" comment
you can't comment that then my ifdefs won't work
Where is the "never" option evan?? >🙁
I'm sorry, my comment was meant as a joke; I am aware about your reason and I really agree with it!
I was being pretty loose and including things like smart corn or cracker jacks but I still ended up in the last option 🙃
It is sort of an interesting question for certain purposes though, such as determining "Did ancient Peruvians 6,700 years ago have access to popcorn technology?" (There's some kind of argument "popcorn" as such was only invented with the 1800s machine that allowed a completely even kernel roast on all sides, which I consider nonsense for multiple reasons)
Popcorn maize as we call it here.
Had some at the movies this morning
Coincidentally, I'm eating popcorn as this post came across my feed... :ablobcatpopcorn:
I'm going to see a movie in a couple of days! First time in months, looking forward to the movie and the popcorn! 🤤
Literally eating it as I respond.
the last time I had popcorn at the cinema, I lost my voice for a day or two because it was so salty, which kinda put me off popcorn. I have had popcorn a few times since then though, but not recently.
It's been a week or less, but if you'd asked me a week ago it would have been 3 months.
I have an air popper. Mmmmm, popcorn.
That's interesting. I've been having a lot as snacks lately, so less than a week.
It's a great snack. Do you use a popper or a covered pan on the stove? Our limited kitchen space leads us to the pan method.
I love popcorn. I have gone to see mediocre movies because I knew there would be fresh popcorn.