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I just realized both Darth Vader and Darth Sidious names were made by stripping the "in" prefix from regular names (invader and insidious respectively) but I was disappointed to see that no other #Sith Lord name has been made up the same way.


I thought Vader was so named because it's Dutch for "father", as in "I am your..."
Darth Vinoveritas !
Darth Credible !
Darth Tellectual !
Darth Themoodforlove !
Darth Nocent !
Darth Yourface !
Darth Different !
Let's name our own:
Darth Vestor
Darth Sider
Darth Ventory
Darth Cel
Darth Mate
Darth Stagtram

I'm not sure about this rule...
@Shel No, no, it’s good, keep’em them coming!
Darth Sipid
Darth Terest
Darth Die Rock
Darth Diana Jones
Darth Eptitude
Darth Ternal
Darth Violate
Darth Continent
@Hypolite Petovan
Darth Sect
Darth Fluence
Darth Formation
Darth Jury
Darth Cense
Darth Come
Darth Dustry
Darth Equality
Darth Novation
Darth Chworm
Darth Flation
Darth Struction
Darth Terior
Darth Tensive
Darth Put
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Darth Coherent
Darth Consequential
Darth Comprehensible
Darth Continent
Darth Tuition
Darth Cite
Darth Trigue
Darth Verted Nipple
... so the next baddie will be named "Darth Continent"?
Darth Flammable?
@heluecht @shel

Darth Vincible
Darth Flammable
Darth Jury
Darth XS
Darth Travenous
Darth Conceivable!
Darth Nards
Darth K
Darth Ert
Darth Contravertable
Darth Consolable.
Darth Cel
Darth Stant
Darth Dustry
Darth Finity
Darth Tellectual
Darth Credulous would be a great name for a spoof villain
Darth Consolable will be subject to bouts of melancholia.
The Rebel Alliance would have been in big trouble if Darth Competent was at the helm.
Darth Clined Plane
Darth Cestuous
The unexpected Darth Quisition
Darth Turrupt
Darth Strument
Darth Cantation
Darth Ject
Darth Gested
Darth Troductary Tersectional Femism
Dart Timidate
Darth Sectivore - this one just plain devours Jedi sects.
Darth Fernally Ferior Ferno
Darth Undated - pals with Darth Cel, obviously
Darth Cubator - Darth Cubator slices and dices, but prefers to dice
Darth Kling
Darth Got
Darth Dex
Darth Ner
Darth Ure
Darth Dicative
Darth Sulation
Darth Demnity Demnity
Darth Heritance
Darth Flation
Darth Flection Pot
Darth Kblot
Darth Frared
Darth Trepid
Darth Novative
Darth Dictment Groundhog Day Again