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Another unexpected hitch of my server migration: I created a new private key for my new server in the local folder I share with my #NextCloud instance while it was down, Nextcloud Desktop correctly logged the file creation, but when I restored my instance, it just deleted the file during synchronization. ๐Ÿ˜•
Been there, done that, lost my files too. I expected to only lose files that werenโ€™t stored locally on any machine between the crash and the last backup. I didnโ€™t expect to lose files that were created during post-crash downtime. Thankfully had the important files backed up via a separate write-only service I run for that exact scenario (for ransomware protection, but same dealio).
@ClickyMcTicker How does a write-only service protect you from ransomware?
Sorry, that was supposed to say write-once, not write-only.
@Hypolite Petovan I guess you did look in the waste bin for the deleted file.
@Andy H3 No dice, it's been deleted clean.