This particular story sadly illustrates the limits of non-commercial licenses or any restrictive open license. If you can't enforce their constraints, they are unfortunately worth squat, no matter how well-intentioned you were. #FOSS #OpenLicenses #CreativeCommons
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Kingu Platypus :verified_paw:β
•Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Hypolite Petovan
•Sean Tilley likes this.
Kingu Platypus :verified_paw:β
•If the open-source/creative commons/whatever is owned by someone big enough, it is respected. Hatsune Miklu is a good example.
Hypolite Petovan
•Kingu Platypus :verified_paw:β
•Hypolite Petovan
•Lee Rothstein
•Hypolite Petovan
•Lee Rothstein
•hackbyte (pluspora DEFUNCT!) moved to
•And with the internet, we all are easily able to create and publish prior art works..... mhmm
Hypolite Petovan
•hackbyte (pluspora DEFUNCT!) moved to
•Hypolite Petovan likes this.