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This #programming golf hell thread is funny, until you realize that the npm package "is-even" imports the npm package "is-odd" and simply negates the result.
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God I wish there was an easier way to do this

seen before, laughing in mod but yeah. We all started young 👌
Not sure if OP being sarcastic...
@Brian Ó 🐟 OP was, in fact, sarcastic. Not sure why either of you would doubt it.
Because I didn't know if the joke was that the OP was presenting that code as deliberately ridiculous, or the joke was that the OP was clueless. I have no idea who they are or what the context was.
@Brian Ó 🐟 Their account bio could have been a clue, notwithstanding the post itself was clearly edited for comedic effect: incomplete screenshot, worded as a self-thought rather than a request for feedback, on Twitter rather than any other actual coding question website, etc...
I don't click on twitter links. The whole site confuses and frustrates me. I think I have a very specific cognitive impairment.
I've never seen someone take such umbrage to someone missing a joke.
@Brian Ó 🐟 Sorry, I'm careful about implicit sexist bias in tech, that's why I drilled down more than I would have done was the author a man.