German language capitalizes all nouns, sure. But why not go all the way in composite nouns, like ComicHeft or BundesDatenSchutzGesetz?
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German language capitalizes all nouns, sure. But why not go all the way in composite nouns, like ComicHeft or BundesDatenSchutzGesetz?
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•cause they are not several words but a new one.
actually in hashtags I started doing it some times to help and introduce foreigners to the "germans have a word for everything" tale, example: #realSatire
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Hypolite Petovan, Benedikt Bauer and Aladár Mézga like this.
•@Hypolite Petovan would possibly make certain words more legible.
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Hypolite Petovan and Montag like this.
Hypolite Petovan
•You could argue that legibility reduces the implementation of the composite intention so adding that idea could incentevize composing longer words.
DonauDampfSchiffartsKapitän is actually the always used word to examplefy the composite nouns as a means of exageration, so to compose 4 words is alreadw seen as exageration.
Hypolite Petovan likes this.