Who do I have to petition to get the PHP logo updated?
The PHP community is more vibrant than I have seen it since I started coding many moons ago and the current logo just doesn't capture that.
Our mascot is an elephant. Elephants are awesome. I'm sure someone out there would be willing to design a great elephant logo/php lockup.
I'm proud to be a PHP developer - but I need a cooler sticker for my laptop.
The PHP community is more vibrant than I have seen it since I started coding many moons ago and the current logo just doesn't capture that.
Our mascot is an elephant. Elephants are awesome. I'm sure someone out there would be willing to design a great elephant logo/php lockup.
I'm proud to be a PHP developer - but I need a cooler sticker for my laptop.
Hypolite Petovan
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•Hypolite Petovan