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I finally jumped in the deep end and put my entire #LEGO parts collection for sale to make space, pretty much tripling my existing inventory that had been hand-picked until now to reach over 25,000 parts in over 5,000 lots. Check it out!
I made a terrible mistake, I've been swamped with orders with 7 coming in the last 11 hours, an unprecedented frequency for my modest shop. I'm going as fast as I can but geez I already noticed some glaring issues in the import from my collection to my inventory, it's going to take me a while to sort them all out.
After a 16-orders fulfillment marathon over the past 48 hours, I decided to double my lowest prices to reduce the frequency of orders and limit the maximum order size to avoid the 500-1,000 parts order gauntlets. I also had to scavenge parts from several of my displayed sets to make up for my inventory shortcomings. 😬
Some numbers for the last 48 hours period:
  • 16 orders received;
  • 2 sets, 2 instruction booklets and 2,818 parts in 672 lots (mold/color combination);
  • US $94.95 of shipping fees collected;
  • US $1.44 refunded for mistakes (so far);
  • US $178.12 earned (not worth it);

Congratulations to the 15 buyers who placed their order before I raised back my prices to a more reasonable level, it did make a difference in my storage but man I didn't enjoy standing for so long fulfilling these. Thankfully my partner helped me with a couple of the largest orders because I would still be working on them as I write this.