I am a little bummed by the slight difference in scale between the two hot rods and the Gigahorse in the back right that were designed by the same person compared to the three others models that I designed myself.
I believe part of it comes from the 8-stud wide “scale” that the base models I found for my designs are using. This scale disregards the actual dimensions of the original vehicles to squash or expand them into a normalized 8-stud wide model, with no constant correlation between a stud and a real world distance like for regular modeling scales.
I’m not sure there’s a way out of this scale quagmire, though, I can’t easily add a half or even one full stud to my models without running into even worse design issues.
Hypolite Petovan
•I believe part of it comes from the 8-stud wide “scale” that the base models I found for my designs are using. This scale disregards the actual dimensions of the original vehicles to squash or expand them into a normalized 8-stud wide model, with no constant correlation between a stud and a real world distance like for regular modeling scales.
I’m not sure there’s a way out of this scale quagmire, though, I can’t easily add a half or even one full stud to my models without running into even worse design issues.