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And here we are again, pondering about the military worthiness of #StarWars vehicles. (It's close to zero).
Which vehicle in particular? Any vehicle that can cross interplanetary or interstellar distances quickly and then shoot stuff with devastating lasers, has at least some military usefulness, even if it can't take on a modern fighter jet.
@Martijn Vos Yesterday night I built the 75043 AT-AP LEGO set, and while walkers in general are extremely dubious as military vehicles, this one with the weird front leg takes the cake. Even the lore around it explaining it's used as a stabilizer to use the artillery main gun without suffering too much from recoil doesn't make sense, shouldn't the extra leg be in the back?

Oh well.
@Martijn Vos OTOH armoured vehicles that can be destroyed by primitive tribes aren't that worthy 😀
@Emmanuel Florac @Martijn Vos Apparently most of military strategy in Star Wars is based on psychological warfare with really aggressive design with obvious practical flaws (see the whole TIE line). Of course it doesn't work against enraged fur balls defending their homeland.
@Hypolite Petovan @Emmanuel Florac Military strategy and design in Star Wars is based on symbolism. Ewoks represent Viet Cong, Stormtroopers the American invaders. That's why the Ewoks won.
@Martijn Vos @Emmanuel Florac I didn't know about this, but I think I would be pretty pissed if I was Vietnamese, being represented as Ewoks isn't very flattering.
@Emmanuel Florac Tanks can be destroyed with primitive tools. A tank trap is basically just a big pit.
@Martijn Vos sure but I alluded to the final battle in RotJ. Try destroying a tank with big pieces of wood 😀