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At work, I:
- Want to use a recent underscore method in #Backbone.
- Update Backbone library.
- Backbone requires a more recent version of underscore.
- Update #underscore library. _ isn't available globally anymore which our project expects in 200+ files.
- Won't use the method.
Thank you for not randomly trying to update everything randomly and instead just, building with existing tools
My main gripe at this stage is that the Backbone documentation isn't versioned, which would have helped me not to walk on such a large number of rakes at once. I even updated RequireJS just in case but it didn't help either so I rolled it back as well.
If this had been Friendica, I would have refactored the 200+ files. I've done it before and I'm sure I'll do it again.

Content warning: Somewhat vague violence mention

What I find particularly sad here, that there is so much willingness to help at Friendica? I still wonder where are you all these helpful people? Based on this data, we ourselves notice that there is a problem between the generations. At least in Germany. I don't want to speak for America. Even though those from the other countries are here, think, speak, and write in the same context. Unfortunately, you can't see much of it. The result is disappointing. That’s some information from my point of view.