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Funny thing is that when I look at the interface libs of almost any new stuff I see fashion languages like golang and php and javascript but usually #perl is missing.
The same time nearly everywhere I go where there is meaningful content from pros I see they are using perl.
Surely there must be some secret cabal hiding all the perl secrets from the not worthy people.
I usually write Perl ones, put them on CPAN, then at least attempt to tell upstream about it. E.g. the #prometheus client metrics library for Perl is mine
as somebody who writes a passing amount of Perl: it's not so much hiding secrets from the unworthy, as shielding the world from horrors they are unprepared for

@wotsac they are using php for chrissake, what possible horrors could we perl priests hide?!
(Not to mention php "does regex"! For a few carefully selected meanings of "do".)

I'm not sure which would be the "nicest looking" programming language (but definitely not python, despite what the masses claim). Tough question.
