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This has been said about #AP on a different network (by a person I consider to be smart):

"There are common algorithmic and cryptographic tricks these days that are worth their weight […] AP doesn't have anything that didn't widely exist in 1992. It's like the i386 of messaging protocols."

#activitypub #feedback #development
I get enough of this kind of feedback, it's not really helpful just stressful.

and anyway, I'm working on new generations of things
I am not sure how to make something better without giving feedback. Is there anyone who's working on a new generation of AP things and doesn't plan it doing alone? Or it's none of my business and shall I leave it alone? 😕
Apologies for pinging you, I probably shall look harder.
the main thing that isn't helpful is a lot of armchair commentary like "AP isn't interesting, AP sucks, AP is bad like X is bad"

people are free to feel those things, and I'm working on new generations of work, but that kind of feedback, tons of people have it and it's just not interesting to me. it's not as interesting as people taking action and trying to make things better, and it's demoralizing. Even though activitypub is no longer my main work!
I am (or at least have been) somewhat active in and on matrix, and have seen both pros and cons of varius approaches there. I also have checked AP and see both pros and cons. I have observations what is good and what does it need, including the aforementioned recent tech in distributed messaging and crypto. I'm not yet sure how Spritely fits into this, I cannot really see what is _is_ yet.
I don't think you meant poorly, I'm just letting you know why I don't engage with that kind of commentary.
it was meant rather a question whether anyone thinks of recent algorithmic and crypto wizardry and actually looking at the problems nearly all systems have and think about what could be fixed and how.
But it's okay, I let you do your work along your line of thoughts.