Again someone (@Homebrewandhacking) demonstrated that "transphobe" means a person who do not comply with the demands of a person who is (I guess?) trans.
I am sure there are blondophobes, smallnosophobes and blueshirtophobes as well, when people (with any random attribute) feel like they have the right to command the world to bend at their will, and they point at their random attribute and scream some *phobe to show they are actually the victims of injustice.
I am sure there are blondophobes, smallnosophobes and blueshirtophobes as well, when people (with any random attribute) feel like they have the right to command the world to bend at their will, and they point at their random attribute and scream some *phobe to show they are actually the victims of injustice.
Harry Hall
•However! _Generally_ I strongly dislike zealots, regardless of their actual agenda. I fight for LMBTQ people to have no less rights than anyone, AND fight against giving them more rights than anyone, too. (Same goes for any topic, leftists, rightwings, feminists, male supremacists, whatever.)
Harry Hall
•Fyi: Gay and lesbians aren't considered a gender issue. It's also LGBTQ+, I am not sure where you found the version of the acronym you used. LGBTQIA+ is also used by some people.
•People telling me how to speak or think (instead of ASKING) justified by _their_ liberty are no different from anyone else denying human rights. People are free to think bad of me but they are not free to echo it.
It's complex, I know.
Harry Hall
•A society that tolerates intolerance will risk falling to intolerant people/views.
•It DOES NOT mean that people can enforce their point of views on others. Tolerance goes both ways, with patience and empathy.
Harry Hall
•You read what I write, imagine about the same amount, try to amalgamate them and respond to that. What you say is not what I said.
Harry Hall
•It's also very clear that you have misunderstood some of my other comments. You have espoused support for the idea of restricting hate speech while saying you don't support the paradox of tolerance - which is why the concept of restrictions on hate speech comes from.
I started this discussion by supporting your position. Let us not argue about things we in fact agree upon. That would be most unwise.
•Harry Hall
•Source of lof of hate towards me. 😁
•Harry Hall
•Unfortunately both right and left wing are responsible for this in some ways. Right wing either creates a problem or refuses to see one exists. Left wing complains without having a solution or invents a solution that is worse than the problem.
Harry Hall
•Unfortunately I don't have any solution for this. I am not sure removing empathy is any better of a solution. Perhaps having less disgust could help?
•I do not have the solution for them.
Mine is patience, listening, and smiling when they call me names before banning, thinking that a problem they have will go away by shutting down other voices.
And I assert my views, indeed. Maybe often impolite way. They are always free not to listen.
Harry Hall
•The rest of this argument is absurd though. Would you just have Nazis roam the streets and radicalize people? This isn't hyperbole, it actually happens in both America and England. Hate speech laws exist for a reason.
•But consider the case when a black guy (some actor I think?) was fired because he said "black guys" about black guys. I mean, he IS black, why couldn't he call HIMSELF whatever he please? That's the problem with using generalised labels like "hate speech".
I agree that "real" hate speech shall be controlled or banished, but this went on way too far now.
I say I don't like someone and they want me to go to jail, hate spch
•Harry Hall
•My argument is not just implementation, but interpretation, yes.
Think about it: people are killing each other because someone call a WORD(!!) slur, while they don't. That's that, inverse hate speech??
•I try to honour the request of people here around how to call them but I simply cannot memorise all the specific wishes. Tell me a good word to use for non-binary people and I'll use it, if it's possible to memorise without great efforts.
Harry Hall
•From what I have seen LMBT is the acronym used in a different language so I am guessing that's where you got it from.
Also p.s. I am not an American. I use the same acronym because all English speaking countries seem to use that one, or at least England does. It's funny how Americans get credited for anything an English speaking country coins.
•It is the #Hungarian translation of LGBTQ (Leszbikusok-Melegek-Biszex-Trans, and later the Queer, which has no local name, was attached, then the plus sign).
So you were completely right!