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So #bandcamp is being bought by Epic.
As an indie artist, I don't like that. Epic has been problematic in the past.
But what are the alternatives, if I want to release my music for a low price, without feeding major music companies? I could release my music for free and ask for donations, but is that really a fair model? I don't know. I don't want to use subscription services like patreon or steady. I don't want to feel pressured to create...

What to do!?
I was today years old when I learned about , maybe itโ€™ll be of use to you!
I clicked through to the website, and somehow it looks like a technical solution for labels? I can't find any info about what share of the revenue they keep it what their conditions are.
I wasn't able to find a way for actual musicians to upload their stuff but I'm not a musician myself so I'd figured you'd had a better time navigating around. Sorry it wasn't a better fit.