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!Friendica Support Very very slow. My #Friendica instance is very very slow - it is a private instance with only one active account, running about 8 months. There must be a severe problem with the database - it is not really big (as I learned yesterday)

Calling the "network" page:
Datenbank: 36.89/0, Netzwerk: 0, Darstellung: 0.94, Sitzung: 0, I/O: 0.02, Sonstiges: 0.1, Gesamt: 37.94

Friendica 'Yellow Archangel' 2024.03-dev - 154
php version 8.0.30
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.16-MariaDB
Your database is slow. I guess you have to assign more memory for it. Use to get a hint for the parameters and then have a quick look at these parameters in the documentation, since you never should simply copy the suggested values from that script.

See here:

Max Memory Ever Allocated : 418 M
Configured Max Per-thread Buffers : 5.68 G
Configured Max Global Buffers : 273 M
Configured Max Memory Limit : 5.95 G
Physical Memory : 15.50 G

It looks like you can allocate a lot more memory.

I guerss* you could increase innodb_buffer_pool_size **a lot. And at the same time you should decrease max_connections, since 2000 is much too high. I guess 100 should be enough.
@Michael Vogel I disabled "automatically optimize tables in database". How to run this process manually?
Why have you deactivated this? This is only needed, if you have got problems while creating backups.

@Michael Vogel
See the thread yesterday 😄

!Friendica Support Mein Provider meldet sich u.a. auch wegen zu grosser Datenbank. Diese Friendica Instanz ist 8 Monate alt, hat einen aktiven User mit ca, 100 Kontakten. Die Haltezeit der Posts ist auf 90 Tage gesetzt. Die Datenbank ist 3.4 GB gross. Bug or Feature?

@Michael Vogel Sorry, still my question: How to start table optimising manually?
@Michael Vogel Yes, this one I know - I thought there is a possibility out of the admin panel for all tables...
Not from the admin panel.
Well, the "ADD RAM" is quite difficult on this server...