While I'm trying to get away from Github in favor of Gitlab I recently started a remote client project on Github and created CI/CD workflows with Github actions.
I especially enjoyed creating the CD workflow that sends a message to a #matrix channel when the deployment was a success.
There is still a problem left, the message is send unencrypted to an e2e encrypted channel. It arrives but ...
Anyway my client loves Matrix, which I introduced them to, and we use it every day.
Cheers @matrix
I especially enjoyed creating the CD workflow that sends a message to a #matrix channel when the deployment was a success.
There is still a problem left, the message is send unencrypted to an e2e encrypted channel. It arrives but ...
Anyway my client loves Matrix, which I introduced them to, and we use it every day.
Cheers @matrix
The Matrix.org Foundation
The problem is that while the action does what it should it's marked as failed. I guess this is due to something in the matrix lib sending messages to sterr.