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Mr. & Mrs. Wily Codger
Mr. & Mrs. Wily Codger
Garden gnomes should display some real character and inspire tall tales about the wee folk...
...especially in a garden with a proper folly.

There once was a wily couple
that tended a garden so well
that their plantings did thrive
and kept them both alive
for so long that nobody can tell.

#Spirited #Garden #Gnomes #BananagarumStudios #limerick #DaftHuman
Image: AI and Daft Human
Limerick: Daft Human alone

N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

May I say Mrs. Codger has an impressive bosom. lol
Mr. Codger has some serious wood in hand.
And a happy smirk on his face.
They look like they frequently have some kind of mischief in mind, as may be expected from a couple wily and spry gnomes. Their names might even be Wily and Spry, but I'm not sure which is which. I bet they are both masterful hoodwinkers.
They are both up to no good, and know that the other is up to no good, and are very happy about it.
I think they know what's going to be good in both the short and long run.
So, a perfect marriage… might presume so.
Sometimes, it's good to be bad, and vice-versa...