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@Christian Kalkhoff I had it, too, until I have changed some mysql conf value to some 6GB if I remember correctly. I can't remember the name of that value but I can look it up when I am back at the PC.

@Tobias Nice, those stick out:

Tag::populateFromItem (3248)
Media::getByURIId (3280)

Compared to the network feed the stack trace is also way more complex

@Christian Kalkhoff just in case: it was innodb_buffer_pool_size
@xy.. Thanks, that helped... all the places that were "fast" before, so friendica is now really fast but for the profile posts. Thank you anyway!

I now run #mariadb with

--optimizer-use-condition-selectivity=1 --optimizer-switch='rowid_filter=off' --innodb-buffer-pool-size=6G --query-cache-size=64M --max-heap-table-size=64M --tmp-table-size=64M

That helps a lot overall, but the personal page is still about 8 to 10 times slower than everything else.

@Christian Kalkhoff Just noting that it's not really weird for your own profile to potentially load a bit slower because it does do more work for that page in a lot of ways.

It's not just doing a query for posts, it's also doing:
* pulling up your contacts
* pinned posts
* tag cloud (I can't remember if this is optional somewhere?)

It seems to me like pictures are loading slower, but maybe it just feels that way because they added a picture placeholder. It's been a while since I pressed the house icon. The "latest creation" tab seems to be my happy place these days.