Skip to main content the US must write a note saying "NoOOooo we dont want to kill him!" when they've already tried to (and the evidence for that is now deemed inadmissable to the appeal). This seems dodgy and somewhat worrisome.

"While it was good news for Assange that not all of his appeal grounds were thrown out, the fact the High Court justices dismissed six of the nine his legal team had argued was a significant blow to his case." [ABC]

@clarice overhere Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick...
The tides are turning and the international pressure must be ramped up everywhere...
As Tina points out it's important to get this done before the US elections... Enough is enough...
is this just stalling though? true, there are still three grounds for appeal left so at least all weren't thrown out. Not saying we in oz dont trust the US in this, but a note from Mum? Is Biden more likely to drop the charges than Trump? History thus far suggests a strong No but maybe his Party may make a sudden reversal towards sanity and decency as a pre-election gesture...
it took us a long time to get David Hicks, who also did nothing illegal at the time but fell victim to later US law, freed from Gitmo - confidence in The Process is not high. But ya never know and there's still hope.