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I've spent the past week getting to know myself better and doing some self care.

I am proud to come out as a gay man.

I never thought I'd have the courage to do this and I really want to thank the fediverse for helping me be comfortable with who I really am.

I love you guys ❤️ #pride
So it is true the Fediverse makes you gay.

Self liberation is strength • freedom is power • energy and power can be transformed into almost anything 💖 Wish you luck!

I wish all of you who still have to take this step a lot of strength... from the very bottom of my heart. It is the right way. No matter what people will say, no matter what your brother or your mother will say. It is about you. Your TRUE family loves you as you are and will always support you no matter where you go and whatever decisions you make.. 🌈 Be strong - be proud!