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TIL there’s a Comedy Wildlife Photography Award and that we vote for the People’s Choice Award

i already found 4 meme-worthy.

with the #FatBear competition, these are the types of #conservation awareness campaigns that seem silly, but i believe are effective are at raising the next generation of Mama Gaia keepers and defenders.


❝ 2023 Selection :: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - Conservation through Competition

Mark Schoen captured two juvenile owls in the middle of what looks like a dispute, so he titled it “Go to your room little brother” Jaroslaw Kowascz captured what i  [ ~~think is agoose~~ ] ^^^ have been told is a swan,  on a sandy shoreline, looking right up-close-and-personal to the camera. 

they titled it, “Now that's a selfie”
Jack Poulard captured a white bird on the snow that lools like a ball of feathers. he aptly titled it, “snowball” my favorite!

2 birds on a tree branch. one with their left wing out-stretched wing pointing to the left, the right wing looks line its placed at their hip. their beak is opened in what looks like mid-sentence while angrily facing a second bird who is looking [ ~~quietly~~~] beak as if answering, in the general direction of where their angry interlocutor is pointing.

all of this is happening while there’s a third bird looking like they're sneaking up on them, with their ear cocked up listening to the quarrel. 

this pic was taken by Jacek Stankiewicz and they titled it, “The Dispute”.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)