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Is there a version of FourSquare / Swarm for the Fediverse?

I want to check in to a specific location and share that online. Not looking for badges and mayors etc.

Just a geotagged post saying "I am here".

#FOSS #SelfHosted #FourSquare

With the help of @darius's brilliant

And thanks to @ldodds's exquisite

I am now able to find a nearby #POI from #OpenStreetMap and share it as a #GeoTagged post to the Fediverse!

Early days, but I think building a #FourSquare style "Check In To This Location" service might actually be possible!

(Mastodon doesn't expose the lat/long - but they are there.)

JSON code showing a geotagged ActivityStream message.

And here it is working with an attached image!

All I need now is an ActivityPub server which is simple enough for me to run and hack. And works with my host.

(I'm not looking for software suggestions yet.)

Screenshot of Mastodon. My post has a URL and an image.
Screenshot of JSON code. It shows the location.

✅ My #ActivityPub post has location metadata in it!
👀 The post has been federated to Mastodon & PixelFed!
❌ The embedded geotag isn't shown in either of them (Mastodon doesn't support it, PixelFed doesn't show it for non-native posts).

Next step, find a SIMPLE ActivityPub server (preferably in PHP) which I can use to build this service.

worked just fine in honk for what it's worth