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Have you ever gone viral?

  • Strong yes (14%, 86 votes)
  • Qualified yes (21%, 129 votes)
  • Qualified no (16%, 99 votes)
  • Strong no (47%, 281 votes)
595 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I have gotten sick many times in my life
I won a bucket of KFC once in a raffle.
you should ask if i have ever not been viral. the answer for that question would be yes as well.
I hate to throw another low-hanging-fruit covid response in here, but I actually just finished a paxlovid rebound. Got my first negative test this morning.
@squinky hey, I'm really glad to hear that! Are you taking it a little easy? could say I am...
screenshot of a toot from 5 minutes ago: "oh no i played like eight hours of dwarf fortress today"
I stacked all the hours of the day up neatly and lit them on fire
I'm currently going viral on YouTube shorts
All I did was post someone else's GIF of a toucan cackling at a traffic camera.
Yes on many sites... just not on twitter or facebook. Many times on reddit/imgur and a little on here now too.
Not a problem. I'm vaxxed and boosted.
Ugh, I forgot to add the hashtags. Sorry, folks. I'll try to remember next time.
Here you are some for free:
I did content creation for an online group of MDs and I shared this out to social media platforms and it took! Was a very fun couple of days
yes, but not on this site (not on the birb either)
Was quite the moment. One butthurt individual actually dispatched an attorney to serve me with "cease and desist" papers. My attorney (and freedom of speech) prevailed.
I have had posts go viral. Ironically, they were mostly here on Mastodon even with its anti-viral design. The algorithms have never once acknowledged that I exist.
Once that I can recall, with a Tumblr post. Guess it was funny at the time. #doctorwho

I believe the total went over 12,000 back then, but some accounts must have shut since.
i had a couple of posts on linkedin that got a few thousand views, but thats about as big as it ever got for me, and mostly i get two or three people
Pre-social media, @awsamuel videoed me as I shaved my head. We posted it to our personal website, mainly to shock my parents.

A few months later, our traffic spiked in a single day, with thousands of downloads. It turned out the video was shared on a forum called The Buzzboard, a site for gentlemen with a particular interest in watching other gentlemen shave their heads.

It remains the high-water mark of my fame.
This is a lot of people.

I have done this a couple of times.

It was exhilarating for me.

I know it's terrifying for a lot of people.
doh! I forgot about making the front page of Slashdot circa 1999...
Too late to change my vote?