Allrighty, it's Thursday. And here's today's #TMinusSpaceDaily #podcast episode: DoD call of duty for space reserves.
Some of the stories in today's ep:
⭐ DoD wants to create space reserves.
⭐ Space Force is creating an outernet.
⭐ Czech Republic to sign Artemis Accords.
Intellian invests $100m in satcom.
🪐 Industry Voices sponsored interview with Russ Andersson of RapidFort on the importance of software security in the space industry.
Some of the stories in today's ep:
⭐ DoD wants to create space reserves.
⭐ Space Force is creating an outernet.
⭐ Czech Republic to sign Artemis Accords.
Intellian invests $100m in satcom.
🪐 Industry Voices sponsored interview with Russ Andersson of RapidFort on the importance of software security in the space industry.
DoD call of duty for space reserves.
DoD wants to create space reserves. Space Force is creating an outernet. Czech Republic to sign Artemis Accords. Intellian invests $100m in satcom. And more.Maria Varmazis (CyberWire, Inc.)
This entry was edited (1 year ago)