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Spontaneous astral projection

This night I had an interesting experience.
I have never astral projected before, only lucid dreaming but I am very interested in the topic and wanna try to project some time.

But tonight something interesting happened. I woke up in the night and was half awake and quickly slipped back into sleep. When I was about to sleep I felt myself float out of my body. I remember myself floating around above my couch (where I was sleeping) and when I realized (hey I'm floating around outside my body!) I felt I was pulled back towards my physical body and woke up in sleep paralysis.

The experience isn't very clear in my memory - kinda blurry like a dream. And also my living room was dark with only some things being visible even though the lights were turned on in the physical.
However I don't think it was a dream because normally in dreams, the mind fills in stuff such as differences and other people and here was none of that.

#astral #projection #astralprojection #spirituality @Astral Projection
Perhaps it was an AP. Perhaps try affirmations to repeat it.
any other subsequent "incidents"? 🤣
@Kato Tino
Haha. Yeah actually. Another night I was about to leave my body again but got pulled back and got stuck in sleep paralysis.
I know exactly what you mean... 🤣
@Kato Tino
Haha exactly. It's funny because when I looked at my hands I saw 3 hands and one of them moving when I tried to move. Maybe I was seeing a mix of the astral and the physical.