I really wish some more thought had been put into the #Wordpress integration to the Fediverse.
Having a blog post that comes from @someblog.wordpress.com@someblog.wordpress.com is so clumsy. And a blank profile too.
Perhaps V2 will be better
I really wish some more thought had been put into the #Wordpress integration to the Fediverse.
Having a blog post that comes from @someblog.wordpress.com@someblog.wordpress.com is so clumsy. And a blank profile too.
Perhaps V2 will be better
Matthias Pfefferle
•there was a lot of thinking about the username! We want to have the domain as identifier, this might look a bit special in the first place, but that’s how ActivityPub was designed for in the first place. If your handle is known on the instance, it is enough to start searching for the first domain.
The ActivityPub plugin uses the informations of the blog. So, the more you define there (site icon, description, ...) the less empty it is.
David - Forking Mad
•Matthias Pfefferle