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I'm deleting Pleroma-tan from Soapbox. Sorry.
As much as I dislike gleasonware, I'd say bundling a prebuilt FE with Pleroma was a poor decision to begin with. How many instances are currently running with the revision that hangs the tab when there's more than ten mentions in post and has those godawful webfont @'s that can't be turned off?
This rewrite the backend in something other than Elixir dear god please

Something like C, Go or Rust for extra points
you can go play with tranny chasers at gotosocial if you want a backend in golang
oh yeah i do 100% agree with you its a bad decision. I think the idea was to ease installation for binary users?? but either way yeah i always force overwrote the files when i modified the frontend lmao with a script

but this is bad for :dinowalk:cels
Yeah, the plan was always to get rid of static files in the repo and use a postinstall mix task to fetch a frontend. All frontends matter.
Psst…. while this is a bit more work, and I’m essentially the only Frontend dev who uses FastCGI in the year of our lord 2022, it would make my day if you could support executing a script to make a systemd-like startup script, this is the command to execute Treebird as a whole:
spawn-fcgi -a -p 4008 -n treebird

(it’s a lot more clean if you used a socket, as according to the man page for spawn-fcgi, but ports require less permissions)

Shit like this in Soapbox would be incredible, allowing soapbox to simply watch the process and give error codes/stdout intercepting for built in logging
Pleroma FE is ugly. Not sad to see it go.
why are you removing it instead of replacing it with something like #Akkoma? It's not a big deal to me but I could see some nerds preferring the #PleromaFE interface
  • It comes with no frontend preinstalled, not even Soapbox. Admins can choose after installing the backend which frontend to use.
  • People have been asking me about Akkoma, so here’s my official statement on it. Akkoma sucks. It’s developed by a cringe tranny who is even MORE psychotic than Pleroma devs.
>Akkoma sucks. It’s developed by a cringe tranny who is even MORE psychotic than Pleroma devs
he did something that overrode my config options in /etc/pleroma/config.exs with whatever the defaults were in the git repo config/config.exs which broke some of my shit and when I fixed it without mentioning him specifically or complaining about it he had a meltdown and blocked me. dude is unhinged. pretty sure he neurotically watches searches like pete does because he knew within minutes that I was talking about akkoma
Yeah, @neko cherry-picked his commits into an upstream MR and he got upset about it:

This is open source 101.
I dropped this because I got bored and there were better things to be done before adding a big feature.

I wish people would merge in things like security issues / features into mainstream Pleroma, especially those who forked Pleroma, or at least get some communication about it so Pleroma devs are aware. You are indebted to what you forked and you need to remember that.
I fixed some security issues, here are a few examples:Ironically lanodan accused me of introducing security vulnerabilities into Soapbox BE, but wouldn’t tell me where. So he was fine with receiving my help, but wanted to hold it over my head and blackmail me with it when it was the other way around. Of course the real reason is because no such vulnerability exists.
>If you created an account called “verify_credentials” people who viewed your profile would see their own profile
You can see how they weren't taking the issue seriously and assuming I must be an idiot.
I got distracted from coding again
if it makes you feel bad, on rDrama we had a bug where you could literally edit anyone's post by just calling the API directly because the line that checked who was who was commented out. Nobody abused it cuz we get logs
Years of drama, 10s of thousands of dollars, endless compromises working with enemies, funded by human traffickers, time and energy from real solutions stolen and wasted and Pleroma, soapbox, gab and mastodon still suck.

GORF Social took no money from anyone, forked no one, worked hard and quietly and built something better than all. GORF Social rocks.
Show me the source code
wait. what if you made a retarded/derpy version of Pleroma-tan instead? that be hilarious 😂
I dunno man, I feel like this already speaks for itself.