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you going to implement bluesky in Soapbox?
@NEETzscheThinking about a 3-way bridge on Mostr. I think building out Nostr stuff is a bigger priority rn but it’s in the back of my mind.
Is that because you don't think bluesky will take off?
@NEETzscheIf Gargron really did lean into it and bridge it, and adopt it into Mastodon etc I think it would be a serious threat. At the moment it’s more of a research project and proof of concept. If that changes I’ll reprioritize, but atm my time is better spent on Fedi and Nostr-related things.
It's "federated" but you need an invite code...?
Velvet rope to induce envy and desire.
@40dba08627a2f2c69c3031666149b567168f049894aa5c42203a3920a3de8483 @d5eb1db13d9a77065907d310070eb7568ff5457a7c6aee7f216bf75945b62161πŸ’― Artificial scarcity is powerful, and it can be extremely effective at generating hype during launch.
I don’t think it is federated yet? Idk for sure tho