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Mieux que tous les mots, un dessin est tellement plus parlant !
Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous, Wolinski et consorts ne ùme déùmentiraient pas. 👍🏼
Well, death doesn't want to vacuumclean my data… 😅
Wow, nice painting 👌 :krita: :fediverse:
Though, Meta is imo more like a leech 😀) Fediverse will be immortal since it's libre belief and made for users not money.
Really great work lately David, brilliant.
Nice touch on the icons on the necklace. 😀
ha ha, he looks like a nice enough guy;)
mi próxima imagen de perfil 👍
But that doesn't do death justice, Terry Pratchett has shown us how cool it is. :rm_love:
For a hot second i thought it is the Grim-reaper from Discworld and thought: Hell yes!

Only then did i realize the signs around his neck...but now i cannot unsee my beloved Grim Reaper who would be actually more fun for the Fediverse when joining.

Fediverse: What is this voice and where does it come from?
Fediverse: Wait, how does that work? Death uses ActivityPup?
@v_d_richards Haha, thank you for getting the ref to the Discworld! 🐢 👍
@v_d_richards OMG I loved this sketch haha I could totally hear it in my head (from Terry Pratchett's audiobooks by Nigel Planer)!

There's that Modern Seinfeld account, I'd love a Modern Discworld account 😂!

@davidrevoy love love the art! Do you do these on commission? Can we support your awesome Fediverse-themed art?
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@22 @v_d_richards Hey, thanks! I don't do commission (to get the max time on Pepper&Carrot webcomic). You'll find on my profile links to support my work, thank you if you can :blobcatheart:
Nice detail on the necklace.
nope camera covering Suckerberg
oh, look, he has a scythe! He must be a farmer!
@glauber 🤣 A FarmVille player, maybe.
(rolls for initiative)
fucking accuraaaate, really pretty piece too!
Very insightful and very close to reality
wow, yes … it feels like that.
so dark… but very nice
Am I misunderstanding the scale of the potential problem?

Like, Facebook can set up their own instance, and then.....? I know that they want money and data (to sell for money), but does making their own instance give them access to data on other instances that isn't already public? Is the concern that a huge Facebook instance sucks up all the oxygen and new users who'd otherwise go elsewhere?

I feel like the naive noob in the room.
what an awesome artwork.
@comradeferret @TranshumanBlues Well, imo the main issue would be about how a dominant player could impose their rules, their extension to the protocol, or become the only player with enough manpower to keep up with complex spec (spec they would push/lobby). A bit like the situation of dominance of email by gmail, Internet navigation by Chrome, word processors by Microsoft, etc... They know how to ruin something to their advantage for buisness, imo...
What a powerful piece of art!

Boost, boost, boost!
add the GtS sloth ;)
Oh true! I forgot about him.

(edit: same about Rose, the fennec star of Mobilizon, and probably more!)
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Answer: Heck no! LOL.
jesus christ this art is way on point

had a sharp inhale when i saw this appear in my feed, first i thought it was pretty cute or wholesome, then i saw the logos, and... yeah
Oh my gosh, That's Scary! Yep I'm talking about Meta Joining. Not your amazing illustrations that I love big Time!
"but it's an open standard!" mhmyup, u wait for their disproportionate effect on the system; I'll stay campaigning against them at every turn.

They haven't displayed a change in behaviour satisfactory enough to assuage my concerns yet.

Call it paranoia 🙆🏻‍♀️
this encapsulates everything one would think of during hearing the quote XD, love it!
Sure, but gee... Who put this wall here?

Seriously though, I don't think I would mind being able to get my aunt's Facebook status updated on Mastodon without all the BS FB ads.

Grand pic. 😀

Yes, me too:

With 1.3 mn active users, #Mastodon is but an ant in comparison to the 3,000 mn users of #Facebook.

#FB was created as a macho website and it's become a toxic space.

Maybe the #Fediverse should have a vote if it really wants to be hooked up to such a place?

Any individuals would still be free to join.

If #Meta were #Twitter, I'm sure about the vote.
#Meta is in the same league, though.

#FOSS does not mean that corporations can all join, regardless of their behavior + agenda.


Column chart comparing the most popular global social-media networks as of Januar 2023 in millions.

Picture of an anteater devourin ants with its giant tongue.

An ant is about 0.52 - 0.75 milimeters, an anteater up to 1.4 meters, so there are more than 2.200 active FB users for every active user of Mastodon in comparison.


long live free and open web :underheart:
this guy always got absolute bangers.
hey, we've got at least one fediverse tank, we have a chance
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Zuckerberg R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Facebook (I'm refusing to call them Meta) has done some good contributions to open source software. Not many, but it exists.

I just want to believe they actually come in peace. I hope. I pray.

Imagine they just federate Facebook and that's it. Wouldn't that be kinda nice? *shivers in fear*
@vantablack Thanks!

Being featured in the anti-meta fedi pact makes me uncomfortable, and I can't point why right now. Maybe too early for me? Even if you can tell easily where I put my personal cursor in the spectrum of positions on the topic with this illustration. :blobowoevil: Probably just too early and not in my nature to sign pact, I think.
@gaditb Hey, yes, you can tell by the lack of details. I brushed this one with 1/3 of the usual time budget I would use for a scene like that. That's why I call it speedpainting.
the world is so broken that you must add a “#humanMade” tag on your work and grower must add “#organic” on vegetables 🤦

:blobhug: on you
@dad Thank you for noticing :blobcatheart:
Why I still refuse to use WhatsApp!

And who is this beautiful fish with headphones on?
Looks like I'm missing some fedi platform, never seen this mascot
Plus que la mort, on dirait le Lich dans adventure time.
C'est très parlant
Prêt à drainer les gens dans un univers paisible, il veut le retour des monstres et des horreurs
I love the expressions of the fediverse characters. They're all like, "OH F***!!".
I was looking for The Grim Squeaker, he had to be somewhere around too in the painting, lol
Getting meta static ips in the network does not sound very healthy 😁
"HumanMade"? Hi, I'm a wolf, not everyone is human!
@comradeferret @TranshumanBlues Exactly, they can make their own instance with features unique to it, they can make it most responsive despite having most users. They can make the sweetest app supporing only that instance, give it proper marketing. Lots of users would flock to them instead of trying to achieve the same on smaller instances and, once most users are on board, they might defederate others because, maintaining compatibility with others isn't cost effective, you know😩
@heubeck The metrics I have here are very different. That's a bug I see often in the Fediverse.
screenshot of the metric of my toot from my user interface on Framapiaf instance: 1.3K share, 1.7K fav


Afaik the metrics are provided by the server you are using to access a post. And what a server can see depends on which instances it federates with. So accessing the post via different servers often results in different metrics being displayed.

Here is the same post viewed via the servers of your respective instances.

(I get different statistics when I check out the post via my instance's server.)

Dommage que ça ne soit pas la Mort du disque monde, on aurait pas besoin d'être méfiant
@yannickdoteu @erikkemp Thanks for the photo and the link 👍
It's totally ok to reuse it, link to the source with full attribution is now here:
this looks like a heavy metal album cover. the band, of course, would be called METADETH
@Bidgehop @MariaLiv

Maria: you can read about that on: ;

1. "The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms" → so you can't privatize or lock it. You can sell it as Bidgehop wrote, I'm fine with this.

2. Regarding agreeing on art display to serve the opinions of someone else or not; the license also requests "You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use." So reusing doesn't mean I endorse the talk, etc...
The foxes and chickens getting together to decide what to have for dinner