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Since the US banned our Hawaiian language, it nearly went extinct. Less than 100 kids spoke it in the 80's. Kids are STILL punished for speaking Hawaiian today. The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.
Little Hawaiian girl was told not to speak Hawaiian in a public school in Hawaii in 2022.
Hawaii also leads the US in the school-to-prison pipeline - #1 in rounding up children, especially Native Hawaiians. Part of the continued US attempt to destroy us indigenous people and lifeways.
University study concludes Hawaii leads US in arrests of public school students
Help us Native Hawaiians keep doing more educational and resisting colonial oppression.
Since US invaded our sovereign country, Hawaii also tops the US in police killings, disproportionately Pacific Islander, and Hawaii is by far #1 most economically unequal. (I worked with homeless/at-risk kids in that tent city in Honolulu).
Native Hawaiians / PI have the HIGHEST rate of incarceration in the US, and the lowest healthy life expectancy. Settler colonialism is ongoing as we're being cleared from the land for resorts, used to make maitai umbrellas, etc. in the prison-industrial complex.
Native Hawaiian being arrested by US police
Hawaiians have by far the highest rate of incarceration of all ethnicities