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This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Oh no, not Creative Commons as well? πŸ˜–

What is going on?

@FediThing standard issue capitalism: steal other peoples' shit and sell it back to them. recruit comfortable people to help you make the case that you should be allowed to do that. destroy the rest. @aral

Why does CC even need Google money?

Is it that big a project to write licences?

Surely there are other sponsors and foundations/govs who could cover the costs that CC has?

a good question that I don't know the answer to! @aral

One concern on the Fedi is if Fediverse software projects start taking money from big companies.

For example, what if Meta offered sponsorship money to a major Fedi platform such as Mastodon? Would that platform say no?

Obviously a donation wouldn't technically carry any obligations, but once you become dependent on a donor it's very hard to ignore their wishes.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
@FediThing @Aral Balkan @shrimp eating mammal 🦐
"sponsorship money to a Fedi platform" mean what ? sponsorship to developers of given platform or to some big servers based on given platform ?
If for developers what kind of reward/return sponsors could expect ?