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Since the US banned our Hawaiian language, it nearly went extinct. Less than 100 kids spoke it in the 80's. Kids are STILL punished for speaking Hawaiian today. The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.
Hawaiian child punished for speaking Hawaiian in 2022
Hawaii also leads the US in the school-to-prison pipeline - #1 in rounding up children, especially Native Hawaiians. Part of the continued US attempt to destroy us indigenous people and lifeways.
Hawaii leads the US in arrests of public school students, disproportionately Native Hawaiians
Help us Native Hawaiians keep doing more educational and resisting colonial oppression.
Since US invaded our sovereign country, Hawaii also tops the US in police killings, disproportionately Pacific Islander, and Hawaii is by far #1 most economically unequal. (I worked with homeless/at-risk kids in that tent city in Honolulu).
Native Hawaiians / PI have the HIGHEST rate of incarceration in the US, and the lowest healthy life expectancy. Settler colonialism is ongoing as we're being cleared from the land for resorts, used to make maitai umbrellas, etc. in the prison-industrial complex.
Our Native Hawaiian children are also targeted by the US for child removal to prevent parents from passing Hawaiian language, history, and lifeways down to the next generation. CPS is a tool for cultural genocide.

More on Hawaii that had the world's highest literacy rate, world's first Universal Healthcare, invented submarines before Jules Verne published 20,000 leagues, before the US invaded, banned our language and culture, ghettoized us, and buried the history.

As America 'considers' canceling student debt, remember 1800's Hawaii had the world's highest literacy rate, invented submarines when Western sci-fi dreamt them, had first-class rail & hydro powered cities & we had FREE education before the US' treachery and privatization.

A thread on my game Neofeud about my life as an impoverished Hawaiian, social worker and STEM teacher for other poor/homeless, living in slums beneath billionaire mansions. My experiences refracted through the lens of satirical cyberpunk.

Neofeud is anti-capitalist, anti-racist & anti-imperialist cyberpunk. I'm a Native Hawaiian who made this game while working 40+ hrs in social services / teaching in ghettos, while homeless. Neofeud is my life, in art. Thread 1/?

The entire US 'state' of Hawaii is a fraud - the vast majority of Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiians) were against becoming a territory and then state of the US, but there US did a military coup, and later a sham referendum using US soldiers to rig the vote.

In the 1890s, over 95% of we Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiians) signed petitions against the annexation of the sovereign, internationally recognized country of Hawaii by the US. The US military responded by forcing us to be come a colony. The opposite of 'democracy'.

Do not vacation in Hawaii. The majority of Native Hawaiian businesses do not rely on tourism, whereas foreign colonial-capitalist ones do. We're also running out of water and land that the US military is rapidly destroying.