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Anyhow, last #AdventOfCode I did a screencast of one of the days, totally within #emacs #OrgMode

I am far too burnt out to properly do the full challenge this year, but would anyone be interested in a brief screencast bit on how to set it up to do things like load the puzzle input automatically and run Python with org-babel? Beforehand so you can fiddle and get yours going before the challenge starts?
First thing is to work out what I was doing in the first place, before stripping it back to a vanilla #emacs install to keep me honest while I configure things like inserting a Python AOC snippet with a keyboard shortcut. I'm going to try using Guix to set up a blank environment.
Split emacs window, with Solarized Dark theme: one side is an org-mode document with a description of how to grab puzzle input using the session cookie and some Python code to do the same, the other is EWW displaying Day 1 of Advent of Code 2021
Wow, working with video is hard! I've recorded all the bits, and I'm going to try to cut it down a good bit and then add audio tomorrow.
OK, can't find a PeerTube host that's allowing registration - how does one get hooked up? I guess YouTube is an option but they don't federate with anyone.

Awaiting some form of mic to add the sound since things borked a couple of days ago.