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I don't like to say it but in Malaysia I felt like I was breathing again. I felt like things were made for Human life.
Here in the States it feels like our environment is never about making our lives easier (and certainly not better).
It's aggressive. It's hostile.

I didn't leave the States for 10 years and now I almost wish I hadn't because I had forgotten what it was like not just being able to walk everywhere in a city but actually enjoying walking in a city.

I don't regret moving to the States.
As a trans non-binary person this is still the best place to be even with all the hatred we face.
But it's also one of the most dehumanizing living environment I've ever seen.

#WalkableCities #environment #Urbanism #Green #city #lifestyle #cars #PublicTransport #USA

@A Sweet Gentleman This why I often say “I didn’t move to the US, I moved to New York”. I don’t need to own a car in Brooklyn where I live, and that’s part of why I don’t mind paying a high rent.