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It's #transawarenessweek so I guess it's a good time to share a bit of my own experience.
AFAB I started my transition at 45 and I found a peace of mind I never thought I'll ever achieved.
Unfortunately not everyone's happy about that.
I don't care about random strangers but it does hurt when it's your husband.
Let's be honest, straight cis-men are the least likely to accept their spouse transition because it hits them right into their internalized misogyny and homophobia.
#misogyny : 'Maybe you like your body now but I don't and I don't like you not making any effort to be attractive to me'.
#homophobia : 'I'm not gay so I won't be attracted to you if you look like a man'.
My husband understands I'm still the same person and I know he loves me YET he fell into both traps.
I'm not denying the life-changing impact of your spouse transitioning but it's beyond time for straight cis-men to accept they're not entitled to their spouse's body.