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On young men being conservative while young women are progressive.
Interestingly the author of the original article, John Burn-Murdoch, sees #MeToo as the root cause of the gap and blames social media for increasing the divide by creating separate spaces for women and men.
He doesn't seem aware that systemic misogyny has created this divide by relegating women in inferior positions and effectively condemning them to invisibility for millennia while men were freely out taking all the space, literally and metaphorically.

Original Financial Time article's behind a paywall so here's a summary including the data.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
@Hypolite Petovan @A Sweet Gentleman or he could be simply be an unpleasant person no woman wants to have anything to do with aka misogynist and/or incel... i presume both when i see these sorts of opinion articles... not worth my time
This entry was edited (7 months ago)