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Honestly the state of the internet is miserable if you're trying to learn things.

Like, you want to learn how to care for an animal? Well, every Google result is a bot generated fake blog. Maybe try YouTube? Well, you have a few new options: there's the person who just got this animal for the first time talking like experts about them. Or there's the literal child telling you what they learned about caring for hamsters from the bot generated fake blogs they just looked up.

This goes for almost anything anymore. There's no expertise, the only advice is just from whoever is the best at SEO, which is often not an actual person. But if it is they probably know as much as you do.

In the last 6 or 7 years I've found myself more and more just digging up ebooks from people who know what the fuck they're talking about.
And the most infuriating thing is, if you're older and have been online a long time, you know that the information is out there. There's ten billion websites out there on how to raise goats by people who have done so professionally for decades.

You just aren't allowed to find them anymore.
at some point google realised that, since they didn't have competition, keeping their shit working was an unnecessary expense that got in the way of selling more ads
@æon :icosahedron:@lori What do you mean, their shit is working exactly as expected. For advertisers.
"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one." - Neil Gaiman

I feel this quote in my soul more and more every single day.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)