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The Wikimedia commons picture of the day for 2023-12-07 is artwork by the astoundingly talented author of #PepperAndCarrot, @davidrevoy ! No doubt the cameo is facilitated by David's steadfast commitment to open artwork.

Gorgeous painting, David! Thank you for everything you contribute!


I know David has been grappling with the significance of AI and plagiarism in the art space. Hopefully it's comforting to know that I recognized his work first by the strokes and style, then by the signature, and finally by the author credit. I've enjoyed his recent explorations with more defined and exposed brush strokes as well.

Oh, thank you! Pure coincidence; I was advising Picture of the Day on our IRC channel this morning :blobcheerbounce:

Thanks also for your words about my recent efforts to add stronger brush strokes to my style. đź’ś

I thought your artstyle looked fine without the stronger brush strokes.
Then again, my node has been giving me error 500 when trying to load recent pictures form up.
I wonder if it's got to do with Mastodon running on Framasoft's node with Gargron's defaults.

@camedei456 Thank you. Yes, I liked it too. I'll certainly continue my research on brushstrokes to find the right dosage of effect. At the moment I might still be overdoing it in reaction. The right balance will come with time.

I also got a lot of 500 errors on my TL where I had to "click to reveal" and no preview thumbnails, perhaps due to many instances upgrading their Mastodon and empty or mismatching cache errors. Hopefully this will go away next week.

