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One of the funnier things about the UFO/UAP investigations is the absolute desperate whining "No! That's impossible! You're not my space dad!"

I don't *believe* anything until I see hard evidence, but these are good witnesses and we have visual evidence backing them up. Something we can't build is being seen & recorded.

"There can't be a secret conspiracy without leaks!"

<points to entire bookshelves, libraries of leak books & photos for 90 years>
It's not real fucking secret.

#ufo #uap
#UFO #uap
@Digital Mark λ 📚 🕹 💾 🥃 I have no interest in whining about it, but I have no way of confirming by myself and until it is officially announced, it won’t have any impact on my life, so I’ll continue behaving as if it’s not real.

It’s somewhat similar to my lack of belief in any god, I can’t say for absolutely sure they don’t exist, but so far the evidence I have been exposed to led me to formulate a very low probability of gods existing and makes me a de facto atheist.
Technically speaking, I think the "agnostic" label would be eligible for you as well then. @mdhughes
@Johannes Hentschel I used to call myself this, but I found it leaves way too much possibility that I could believe there’s a god/extra-terrestrial life advanced enough to land on Earth, which is why I prefer the atheist label, although I do not subscribe to the very public strain of atheism led by Dawkins et al that badly hides casual sexism and xenophobia under a “rational” guise.
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