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40% of single day work leaves happen on a Monday or a Friday, which indubitably proves people use them to stretch their week-ends and are probably unjustified.

#statistics #badfaith

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May be it's other way around? Maybe, in the age of automation and technology it's five work days a week are probably unjustified?
This is true, but unrelated to my statistics joke.
it's funny that few weeks ago someone else in my stream made the exact same joke... which happens to also be in an old dilbert strip! :D
I’m not surprised, thanks for the reference!
why it is tagged as badfaith ?
Monday and Friday are inherently 40% of the 5-day work week, and therefore can’t be used to justify malicious behavior from employees.

It is an example that numbers can be made to say anything.
Good job I did read the whole thread before throwing some #abuse at you for missing the obvious (in much the same way I missed the #sarcasm in your original message) 😜
It would be interesting to see actual figures though. I'm thinking this should be possible by making a public data request.

My H0 would be that #Mondays have an equal or lower incidence of sick days.

My alternative hypothesis:
