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In order to keep the Fediverse a safe and friendly environment free of hate, we’ve published a blocklist. We recommend everyone block this list of servers. Thank you.
Note: in case this list isn’t displaying properly, you might have to “Ctrl+U” or “view source” to see the full list.
who made you keeper of the fediverse... With all do respect define your terms. Hate speech? that old trope good to get censorship rolling. Safety? whats the danger? Friendly? by who's standard? Who is WE? I'll want to ensure I know who all thinks this way. I hold no illusion that anything I say will ease the fear and hatred in your heart.
By all means build your echo chamber, don't propose and debate your ideas don't participate in real discussion that creates understanding and breaks down walls. By all means don't seek to learn more than you know don't grow as a person. Sad really, you and you followers are going to miss the best part of the fedi because your afraid of what exactly? As I am sure you deduced I am opposed to your thinking. You are wrong sir,
this is a mistake I would ask you to take this one around the block one more time as in reality you are harming yourselves. Alas I hope you and your friends find the salve the soothes the offense all huddled up together in New Twitter or what ever you are calling it. Best of luck
@cameronAre you joking or retarded? Did you click the link?
cant see the list even with view source option. blank page.
@adminHmm try using curl, I bet that will fix it.
i cant see it in any of the browsers. so weird
@adminIt’s the full list of instances you should block.
wait alex, how to enable this translate thing?