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Here are known issues of the Mostr bridge (beta):

I need to do “real” work today, but I’ll kick it periodically if it goes down (that’s #3). Will fix these issues as soon as I can. Feel free to report any other bugs.
@alexwill bridging to Nostr be explicitly opt-in? because when your post goes into Nostr, you basically lose all control of it. You have no ability to delete it once it’s out there
@rad_techThe way to opt out of the Nostr bridge is the same as any other Fediverse server: lock your account and don’t approve followers from that instance.

Nostr does support a delete event btw, but it’s not bridged yet.
@alexHow do we know which instances are bridged to nostr?

Also there is no delete “event”. There is a flag that tells a server “you may delete this”. It’s a courtesy to the server for if they want to prune their database to save space.

It’s not like Farcaster where “delete” is an opcode that relays follow.
@rad_techThis is no different than how deletion works on the Fediverse:

Only is bridged to Nostr.
@alexmaybe it is just the culture of NOSTR people that suck in that case then. no clients implement it because they think if you can’t have a *guarantee* of deletion, then you shouldn’t have the option at all.
@rad_techIn order for it to become mainstream it will have to do this.