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The fragile and childish users of Mastodon will finally be able to enter the soft embrace of a real world stuffed elephant to remind them of the cozy feeling they get inside whenever they #fediblock doing the dishes for the eighth day in a row.

We're going to make a #Mastodon plushie and it's going to be very cute! I'll share more details once the prototype is done—the concept art is very promising and our partners at FRESH have a good track record of making plushies 🙂

He will probably sell a ton of them.
@163f2f91d06a46b51cb34a748167d827b027d9215223abbcaf69f59c6cdfc088 @GargronShit, I'll buy one just for the meme potential. Gargron does great work and his software deserves to be funded. He's just also a pompous ass with no understanding of the United States.
If he was really smart he’d release one in the trans colors. Practically print money with that.
@163f2f91d06a46b51cb34a748167d827b027d9215223abbcaf69f59c6cdfc088 @GargronI really hope he doesn't, but I would be even more compelled to buy it if he did. Because that would be fucking hilarious.
@163f2f91d06a46b51cb34a748167d827b027d9215223abbcaf69f59c6cdfc088 you'll buy one for the meme potential but you won't let me buy a t-shirt with your giant face on it for the meme potential? :cry: