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Epic yearly vaccination trip to the vet this morning with my four cats.

#catsOfMastodon #cats

A photo of 4 cats in their transport cage. Above them, label are pasted with humoristic cartoon drawing and this notes:
- Tigrette 12 years old, pooped in her cage.
- Geuloush 3 years old, impressed the vet with his canine teeth.
- Noutti 11 years old, Not sure if zen or just sad.
- Miolek 4 years old, Non-stop meow, also 6.9Kg (15.2lb).
😬 That looks like a lot of work.
@ai6yr Oh yes, and also a big budget. πŸ˜…

@BackFromTheDud πŸ˜† Haha, "Release the Miolek!" 😺

He is fine now, he sleeps right now on my desk while I type this. 😊

aaaw all these cats :blobcathearts: :blobcatheart:

You're lucky :blobcataww:

I can't have have more than one, my GF don't want and also my 60mΒ² apartment is probably too small to have more than one cat full time :ablobcatheartbroken:

Impressed the vet or empierced the vet?
I can only imagine the collective scream…
Oh man I feel this pic. We have 3 inside and at one time 14 outside colony cats that required 2 full days of rounding them up and getting them to the vet for their 4 in 1 and rabies vaccines. Good on you for taking care of your babies.
that 15 pounder has such a big paw!!

we tried doing a multi-cat visit.... Once. Lol

The choir rendition of the songs of their ppls still echo their halls

@pixelpusher220 🀣 Oh yes, my wife stayed in the car while I was doing the way and back inside the vet office with the cages, she couldn't even manage to do a phone call because of the choir.

we took all 3 in at the same time 🀣

May or may not be related, vet prescribed sedatives for future visits lol

Epic indeed! They are all perfect, and my heart goes out to the one who pooped in her carrier. :blobheartcat:

Thanks for her! :blobcatheart: Tigrette is a sweetie, the kind of cat who can't resist to sleep on any available legs in the house. Very social, always around.

It's not the first time she pooped her cage, we anticipated that this time with a special towel. Here is a photo of her, not in the cage with Noutti, my inspiration for Carrot on my comic :

(edit: she always has this expression of an old samurai wanting to kill everyone, but she is really sweet 😺 ).

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
@Neige Yep, exactly πŸ‘ I wrote a bit about it when we adopted him
as a vet tech im so happy to see kennels that open from the top for cats!!! they are so helpful for us you have no idea
@sentinian Oh yes, that's why after I bought the first one, I continued with the same model for the #3 and #4. They are incredibly easy to clean and easier to monitor the cat from the top once driving. Good to know they are also good for vets.
It's also great in the waiting room when the cage is on the floor to keep a visual contact with the cat from the top anytime.
@sentinian oh that looks so nice, unfortunately I didn't know they existed before I bought mine :blob_cat_cry:
Miolek, c'est mon chat tout crachΓ©.πŸ˜†
Pour le coup, Miolek est un nom parfaitement choisi ☝️

Did a visit once with four rabbits at the same time. They're quiet, but not calm at all.

Fluffy hair everywhere.

Our household also has a giant super talkative cat.

The adoption center called him "the one with the meow". He's more recent annoying habit is he's discovered a taste for oil.

A large grey cat with a  white underside, standing on a tile kitchen counter, licking at a 10 inch (~25cm) red pan on a gas stove. There's a bunch of kitchen clutter in the background.
@alienghic 😻 😻😻 Beautiful!
What, Miolek is already 4?! Time flies…
@lamecarlate Oh yes, time flies! but I rounded a bit up: he was born on July 2020 and we adopted him in October ( ).
The article says you had two cats to welcome Miolek. So Geuloush is the newest one? I did not see his arrival. How is his name pronounced? Gh or jj ? (you seem to only have tabbies, it's so cute)(I'm babbling, please stop me)
That's so nice of you (and the flyer was… well, perfect)!
oof this reminds me the annual date for my four kitties is coming up 😬
ooof. Sounds difficult.
@OldAndCranky The hardest part was to quickly open all the windows of the car while driving to be able to breath, Tigrette really dropped a bomb πŸ˜† .
me too Noutti, me too
@OkamiKun :blobcatheart: 🀣 🀣
Ho, j'avais pas suivi que tu es passΓ© Γ  4 chats πŸ˜„

SignΓ©, SignΓ©, SignΓ©.... 4 chaaaats

(Pardon, longue journΓ©e ! Mon cerveau m'a trollΓ©, et je saurais pas dire si j'espΓ¨re ou pas que vous aurez la rΓ©fΓ©rence πŸ˜… )

miolek is like LET ME OUT LET ME OUUUTTT

don't worry, gang, they've got nothing. they can't hold you without proof, you'll be released in hours

maybe get a lawyer though

Two old cats and two young ones ?
@eragon Yes. Totally different generations and habits. I'm super happy Noutti taught Miolek when he was a kitten everything about how to play and fight while he was still less than 10 y/o. Like a Jedi and Padawan, he did a good work (and probably wouldn't be able to do it now because he aged a lot and now look for calm and don't manage territory anymore). Now Miolek is double size of all the cats in the neighborhood and defends all family cats against other external cats and wild animal. πŸ™‚


We are going tomorrow but we spread the cats out over the year. Only one at a time

That was my strategy too before "the great sync of all". I'm just living a bit far of the first vet office around, so I decided to optimise a bit this too. πŸ˜…

(edit: oh, and btw, good luck with your trip to the vet tomorrow!)

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
A photo taken from the vet's office of three open cat carriers. Two of them are big enough to hold more than one cat, and in fact the left one has one cat and the right one has two cats. The other two cats are sitting on the floor next to the cat carriers.
@yudderick 😍 Wow! Beautiful! And you are lucky they accept to share a bag together. Here only Noutti and Miolek are compatible and can sleep next each other but I wouldn't try to put them on a same bag 😺 .

Do you leave those drawings with the vet? They are adorable.

(Bet a lot of pet owners would love those. I know I wouldπŸ˜€)

@yon Thank you! The drawings are all drawn digitally with a screen tablet over the photo. But I often draw my cats like that on post-it notes and put them on the fridge to share stories to my wife.
I’d love to have such things of my two dogs when they go to the vet. πŸ˜€ Thank you for sharing and bringing enjoyment to others. I don’t think people are told that often enough.
Miolek's intimidating paw!
We had four cats once and one of them turned absolutely demonic at vet visits. So they offered to do home visits for us. And even gave us the "litter rate"!!!! Demon kitty, however, and despite sedatives, was still a demon kitty at home, so they recommended she never see a vet unless she was clearly dying because the acute stress outweighed any benefit.
(This was long ago. RIP Killer, Canton, Valatie, and Rowley. I still miss them 😿)(Killer was demon kitty, weighing in at 6 pounds.)
@TheStephy_Chi Don't worry, I have a home in countryside at the edge of a forest. No road around, and they have super large territory. Their health and wellness is a top priority for me.
@tatianasaito That's a super service you have! Here it doesn't exist yet for pets in my part of France, except for farmers when they need a specialized vet for sheep, cows, horses. I have to drive 25 minutes to find the most nearby vet. πŸ˜… I'll check again next year online if this service exists in my area.

The English word for a group of cats in carriers should be 'a murder' -> 'A murder of cats'.

But that words is already used, for crows.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)