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Sunday volunteer work: a mascot WIP research for @forgejo, a community-run fork of Gitea.

#krita #MastoArt #ccby
#gitea #git #forgejo
Digital painting of a cute squirel cartoony character as a blacksmith with thick gloves, pliers and hammer. She forges an acorn. She wear steam-punk glasses.
That's lovely! This could totally be a smith in some fantasy MMORPG world. 😁
trop chouette ! 😍
How cute! 🥰
@Codeberg have you switched your codebase from @gitea to @forgejo ?
gorgeous! 😍
I love it! 😍
oooh! How cool. Is there a place where artists can find projects that are seeking art? (Worried making art unsolicited for stuff might make people feel yucky, but idk)

Hey, I don't think a place like that exists. But it's easy to enter in communication with project and not just drop an art out of the blue, unsolicited. On Sunday afternoon, I joined the Matrix room chat of Forgejo, and I shared with the team a sketch and asked if it was ok to share it, as a 'research' and 'wip'. It was, so I continued my drawing. FLOSS projects often have a lot of info into how to contact the teams.

@b_cavello Coincidence, today I saw in my TL the launch of "Community Design Team", a team of designers who work with upstream open source projects. Maybe a good place to be for you:

Very cute! I like the little acorn they're forging. For some reason they remind me of Conker, but they don't look that much alike so it's probably just my brain short-circuiting.
@linebyline Thanks!
It's normal, our brain always tries to do that: find the closest relation to an already known design. I also played to Mr Nutz on SuperNes, a game with gorgeous colored graphics for that time. @forgejo
i don't like the name, but i like the mascot. In the end are names sound and smoke(rough translation of an goethe quote).
mascot is too freaking cute for its own good
@forgefriends I love that squirrel. A storage capable mammal: very apt mascot for a software forge ❤️
My FOSS mascot Otto says hi!

Captures the essence of "forge", with a #mascot that stores a most valuable resource of sustenance for later retrieval and on its person (squirrels stuff lots of nuts in their cheeks and #stash them away nearby)...

FOSS is the #sustaining food of the Fediverse, and this #squirrel is #forging that basic staple.

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #Forgejo #forge #hammer #anvil #Revoy

Sunday volunteer work: a mascot WIP research for @forgejo, a community-run fork of Gitea.

#krita #MastoArt #ccby 
#gitea #git #forgejo

© David Revoy Licensed CC-BY


@Epy Merci! Ha oui, c'est rigolo, j'ai la musique en tête à présent. 😆
so cutee!
This entry was edited (9 months ago)